Finding Products
We have tried our best to make navigating our product range as easy as possible. Our top menu offers a one click link to any of our product categories. Once you are in the category view you can refine the search by filtering the results to your preferred weight and width range.
You can also view product lists by Market. There are many cross over products of course but this view works great for industries such as Surf and Aerospace.
Viewing Product Information
Our product page view displays an image of the product as well as all the key attribute information. On this page you also have the option to print off this detail in a printer friendly format.
Viewing Prices
Firstly you will need a price list allocated to your account if you have not got one already.
Prices are display on the search result screen in Units of Measure.
For fabrics this ROLLS
To view relevant kg or Mtr pricing for our fabrics please click the VIEW button where you will find a breakdown. We understand Roll prices are typically not used throughout the industry. This was a small sacrifice to make to allow this comprehensive E Commerce platform to work.