Fabric of Australia

Welcome to Colan Australia Thermal & Protective

Colan Thermal & Protective specialises in the manufacture and supply of high temperature textiles.

Colan Australia is an internationally recognised manufacturer of high temperature, asbestos free, thermal and acoustic insulation materials. We offer an extensive range of cost effective, high performance products to meet your stringent needs in a variety of high temperature applications.

Our base is in Sydney where our state of the art manufacturing facility is located. From here we also manage international manufacturing operations and work closely with a global network of industry suppliers. This is to ensure we offer you the best range of products and the highest level of service possible.

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Fibreglass coated Fabric

Posted October 29th 2024

New CRC-P project: “Manufacturing Novel FR Materials for the Future - Australian for the World"

We are pleased to announce the success of our new CRC-P project, “Manufacturing Novel FR Materials for the Future - Australian for the World”, with Colan Products Pty Ltd as the lead industry partner and CSIRO as the research institute.

New Sock Stock due in 19th February UQR SAE We manufacture in Australia Season's Greetings from Colan